Natasha Voss

Healer | Psychic Channel | Guide | Teacher

Healer | Psychic Channel | Guide | Teacher


Natasha Voss

Energy Alchemist

Hi there, fellow seekers of wellness, balance and joy! I'm Natasha, a friendly guide on your journey toward holistic healing. Imagine me as your compass through the realms of mind, energy, body and spirit. With a blend of ancient wisdom and modern insights, I'm here to help you discover the transformative power within you. Together, let's embark on a path of self-discovery, healing, and vibrant living. Welcome to my sanctuary of understanding yourself and learning to live in equilibrium, happiness and wellness!

Natasha & Alchemy Healing

I blend unique sound frequencies, known as Alchemy Sound (Light Language), with my psychic and medium abilities, along with over 25 years of experience in the holistic wellness field and have crafted Energy Alchemy Healing.

My mission is to foster clarity, dissolve entrenched patterns, and alleviate blockages, facilitating individuals in attuning to their distinct frequencies for profound transformative harmony across all levels of mind, body, emotions, energy and spirit.

What is Alchemy Healing with Natasha?

Alchemy healing is a combination of transformative energies.I use my psychic vision and connect with Source, while also using the ancient and intuitive Alchemy Sound, to facilitate healing, balance, and well-being in collaboration with your higher self.

I create a series of sounds aimed at cleansing and releasing any stagnant or disharmonious energies for you. This gentle yet potent purification clears the way for healing energies to take effect. I will delve deeper into the topics discussed, whether as a group or in the case of a personal session, focusing on the issues you wish to address that have arisen.

What exactly is Alchemy Sound Healing?

Embark on a journey into the realm of energy medicine with Alchemy sound healing, also known as Light Language —a profound and transformative practice that taps into the universal language of the soul. This ancient healing modality involves the expression of unique, rhythmic, and melodious sounds that carry high-frequency vibrations. These sounds bypass the analytical mind, connecting directly with the heart and spirit, facilitating deep healing in the body, mind and spirit levels. Natasha called her sound Alchemy Sound.

How does it work?

  • Vibrational Resonance: Alchemy Sound consists of sacred sounds, tones, and frequencies (much like different languages) that resonate with the energetic blueprint of the individual. As Natasha channels these vibrations, they create a resonance that aligns with the recipient's energy field, promoting balance and harmony.
  • Energetic Encoding: The sounds of Alchemy sound are thought to carry encoded information from higher dimensions. This energetic encoding has the potential to activate dormant aspects of one's consciousness, DNA, releasing energetic blockages and much more triggering healing responses in the person.
  • Multidimensional Healing: Practitioners often describe this type of healing as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. It is believed to work on multiple dimensions simultaneously, addressing not only the symptoms of physical ailments but also the underlying energetic, mental and emotional imbalances.

Benefits of Alchemy Sound Healing

  • Stress Reduction: The soothing and harmonizing nature of Alchemy sound can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation, creating a conducive environment for healing.
  • Emotional Release: Many individuals report experiencing profound emotional releases during Alchemy healing sessions, allowing for the release of stored emotions and traumas.
  • Elevated Consciousness: Practitioners and recipients often describe an expanded state of consciousness, increased intuition, and a sense of connection to a higher source.
  • Physical Healing: Light Language has been associated with improvements in physical well-being, with anecdotal reports of relief from pain, enhanced immune function and accelerated healing processes.

Gatherings & Sessions

The Alchemy Gathering online


Experience the magic of Energy Alchemy Healing through my weekly guided meditations, teachings and supportive community. I channel unique topics from Source each week, offering valuable tools for navigating life. Every session is tailored to address the healing needs of the present moment, making each week a transformative journey.

Thursdays | Zoom | 5pm EEST
This is a Membership Gathering

Your first visit to the Online Alchemy Gathering is a gift, there is no charge. We welcome you with love.

You can then pay a monthly payment or drop-in price when you would like to join us.

  • Thursdays at *5pm EEST (EEST - Eastern European standard time) - please note time changes for daylight savings
  • Zoom is where we meet online. The link is sent to you when your place has been confirmed and payment has been made.
  • WhatsApp is the preferred way to communicate, although not the only one.
  • Payment is made via PayPal. There are direct bank payment options, please ask.
  • Don’t worry if you miss the gathering you can receive the recording!

Membership or Drop-in pricing:

  • Membership $30 USD for weekly gathering per month.
  • Or join as a Drop In for $15 USD for 1 Gathering.
  • Membership payments are due the 1st of each month.
  • Charges are subject to change.
  • This is a sacred supportive group and we respect each other's opinions, even if we don't agree, please do the same.

Join our beautiful Alchemy Healing Gathering now!

Ready to embrace the journey towards holistic well-being and a loving community? Contact Natasha to join in [social media, email].

Energy Alchemy Healing Sessions

Personal Healing Sessions (In-person or Online, Equally potent)

Experience the potency of our healing sessions regardless of your physical location. This transformative energy of Light Language knows no boundaries.

Experience Transformation.

Immerse yourself in the harmonious symphony of beating heard, psychic healing and Alchemy sound healing. Each session is a unique, guided journey, crafted with the intention to bring about healing, clarity, and alignment on every level of your being.

Your Personalized Healing Journey Unveiled

Embark on a transformative healing session designed just for you. My process is simple, yet deeply impactful:

  1. Heart-to-Heart Connection: We begin by discussing your intentions and what aspects of your life you wish to address. Your journey is unique, and our conversation sets the foundation for a tailored experience.
  2. Psychic Insight and Guidance: As we connect, I utilize my psychic abilities to read the subtle energies surrounding you. Channeling insights from my spiritual guides, I gather valuable information to guide and support you on your path to healing.
  3. Alchemy Sound Healing: Whether in-person or online, the power of Alchemy Sound Healing knows no bounds. As I initiate the Alchemy Healing session, you become enveloped in a sacred space of energetic clearing, profound healing, and alignment. The unique frequencies woven into the language of light work to address your specific needs, fostering a holistic sense of well-being.

Book your Alchemy Healing session today!

Ready to embrace the journey towards holistic well-being? Contact Natasha to schedule your personalized healing session [social media, email].

Programs & Workshops


Soulful Heart : Cultivating Inner Harmony in 6 Weeks

Welcome to Soulful Heart : Cultivating Inner Harmony: A 6-Week Journey to Self-Discovery" with Natasha - The Energy Alchemist.

This transformative course, held weekly over Zoom, guides you through establishing a nurturing relationship with yourself. Each session is 1.5 hours, featuring immersive teachings, healing and Q&A for deeper insights.

Explore topics like understanding energy, clearing old patterns, heart connection, deep healing, alignment, self-love, and transformation.

Join me as we illuminate the path to your authentic self and awaken the radiant light within.

April 24th- May 29th
  • Wednesdays 6pm EEST
  • 6 Weekly Online sessions 1.5 hours each session
  • Cost $129 Early Bird $97

Ready to embrace the journey towards embracing self love? Contact Natasha to join in [social media, email].

Soulful Heart : Cultivating Inner Harmony in 6 Weeks


Please read what some of my customers say about me.

Natasha’s work has truly impacted my life in an extremely positive way, I could not express that enough. A dear friend recommended I work with her while I was making some transitions in life. Natasha has helped my direction and over all health greatly.It feels like true magic when working with her. She keeps it real and I appreciate that. I believe her gift is something most all could benefit from and I am so glad I am one of them!


Natasha’s clarity is crystaline. She is on point and specific, cutting to the chase without haste! She answered all my questions. throughly , even ones I didnt voice! The healing fenergy sessions have been more powerful and transformative than any other Ive experienced within all my (20)years of working with healers. I could literally feel my whole energy shift and body change while she was channeling. It has been such a gift; one that I am forever grateful for.


What an amazing experience to work with the amazing Natasha Voss she truly is a beautiful gift. What she offers is an awesome insightful, truthful experience. I can’t thank her enough for this experience. This experience is truly priceless! Namaste Beautiful Human Angel!




+1 (246) 256-6175


+1 (246) 256-6175